Designer pearl jewelry – Greenery color will dominate in 2017

This year, Jewelry Olga will create various designer pearl jewelry with greenery accents.  Greenery is called the Color of 2017.  How does this happen?   At the end of each year, the Pantone Color Institute unveils the Color for the coming year.   As a result, we get to know color preferences in the coming year.  As we create designer pearl jewelry, we should bear this in mind.

How does Pantone make a decision regarding the preferred color for each year?  It implements its research in different industries, e.g. arts, fashion, textile, entertainment etc.

Knowing the color of the year is essential for everyone in jewelry business.  As a matter of fact, the consumer choice will depend on this.  People like following the current fashion trends.  Then, if the color is in vogue, “Yes, I want to buy jewelry with greenery gemstones!”

So, the Pantone Color Institute dictates the color preference for each year.  For 2017, it has already called the color.  It is Greenery 15-03430.  Pantone describes this color:  “Bringing forth a refreshing take, Greenery is a tangy yellow-green that speaks to our need to explore, experiment, and reinvent. Illustrative of flourishing foliage, the fertile attributes of Greenery signals one to take a deep breath, oxygenate, and reinvigorate.” 

Jewelry Olga often uses greenery gemstones in creating designer pearl jewelry
In 2017, it is Greenery that will be popular in designer pearl jewelry

I like the description of the color and the color itself.  Being refreshing and revitalizing, Greenery is a symbol of new beginnings.  It recalls the first spring days with the revival of nature, with fresh green colors.

Pantone color and Jewelry Olga

 Jewelry Olga specializes in pearls.  Thus, freshwater pearls are our primary basic material.  Actually,  it is difficult to find real pearls having natural greenery color like Pantone color 2017.  Thus, we use various gemstones as an accent.  We tend to choose the gemstones with colors ranging from apple to olive green.  Then, we embed these gemstones as fancy accents in our designer pearl jewelry.  For instance, a wonderful gemstone peridot with its beautiful greenery color.  It looks lovely when we pair it with white pearls.  Actually, there are numerous green gemstones.  For sure, we will be seeing a lot of more of the latter this year, alongside emeralds.  We will see more green garnets, tourmalines, peridots, prehnites etc.

Greenery color may be successfully combined with many palettes, including bright and neutral.  I have already mentioned that, personally, I like this Pantone color.  Because it is the color of nature, refreshing and inspiring.  And we enjoy using greenery peridot in our collections of designer pearl jewelry.

Actually, peridot is one of the oldest known gemstones worn even by the pharaohs in Egypt.  This olive-green gemstone looks amazing mixed with pearls and with other gems.  It is possible to pair Greenery gems with purple.  It may be amethyst.  Then, we create a bold contrast, or even complement greenery with red and orange.  By the way, the opposites always work well.  Moreover, we come across this gorgeous color combination in nature.  Just think of a red apple against the green foliage!  It looks so beautiful.  Forever, the Nature is the best designer!

Image is taken from


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